Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nearly 18 months, and still doing well!

Just a quick update.
It has been nearly 18 months since Craig's second injection, and he is still doing well!  Sometimes he does have minimal pain, but it is usually short lived, and essential oils lavender, peppermint, and a few others usually take care of the pain quickly.
About one month ago we went to an amusement park, and he was on his feet all day long.  After about 7 hours I noticed that he was still walking well with no limp!

Talking to him, he says that he sometimes aches but he wouldn't describe it as "pain".  He isn't,t ready for a follow up injection yet!

Friday, May 8, 2015

An update

April 2014 Craig went in for a second injection.  His ankle had begun to hurt again, and we knew this was going to take more than one injection.  The second injection was a little different because I was pregnant and couldn't be with Craig.  He said it was more painful than the first, but he said that maybe it only seemed that way because he wasn't in as much pain initially.  This time after healing from the injections, his pain diminished even further.
It has been over a year now and he hasn't felt like he needs another injection.  We are hoping it will be another year or more before we go back in.  We know this is going to be something we just need to save up to pay for, so we are.  It is sooooo much better than the alternative of ankle fusion.  Last month I even saw his junping in a trampoline!  I wasn't sure he would ever be able to do that again!  He is able to walk without a limp most of the time.
So far we are so pleased with the results of the cct.  It hasn't been a 100% fix, but it has made a huge difference, and it has given Craig his life back!